

Gynecology services offered in Upper East Side, New York, NY

The field of gynecology encompasses many aspects of our reproductive and hormonal health. Although we routinely evaluate and treat aspects of your physical gynecologic health such as vaginal infections, dealing with abnormal Pap smears, heavy and irregular periods, fibroids, endometriosis, and ovarian cysts, our gynecologic care extends far beyond issues related to our reproductive organs. In our practice, we connect your gynecologic health to other health areas such as sleep, weight, and mood. Through a personalized integrative approach, we offer a range of treatments including customized lifestyle approaches, evidence based supplements, and medications and surgery when needed.


What gynecologic services do we offer?

We are proud to offer our patients the full range of gynecologic services, from preventive and wellness exams to complex gynecology, including annual exams, evaluation and treatment of abnormal bleeding, abnormal periods, fibroids, endometriosis, abnormal pap smears, PCOS, breast health, vaginal infections, sexual dysfunction, hormonal imbalances and of course the management of perimenopause and menopause. 

How is my gynecologic care different?

Although we take care of women across our age span, most of our patients are in midlife and beyond, since we specialize in the care of women beyond fertility. My philosophy of gynecologic care is different from conventional medicine in that I recognize that our hormonal and reproductive health is closely interrelated with our general health.

Given that, we care for my patients through a whole person approach, and your wellness and treatment plan may encompass various strategies, ranging from lifestyle approaches, customized supplement recommendations, hormone therapy, medications and, when appropriate, cutting edge surgical interventions.

We closely collaborate with specialists at leading institutions in New York in the area of advanced gynecologic surgery, gynecologic oncology, reproductive endocrinology, and psychology to deliver the best care possible.